Wednesday, 7 December 2011

Bloomin Virtual!

Richard Falle, Phalaenopsis Momento Mori, 2011, Pigmented Inkjet Print

Richard Falle’s work Phalaenopsis Momento Mori pushes preconceived ideas of vector-based imagery and the recording of still life works within virtual space. Here the allusions to photo-realism and hyperrealism are prominent although momentarily acknowledged once one learns that the image has been described by observing the real object. Subsequently the 2D print resonates between traditional drawing methods for still life recording and the resulting depiction of form and space through virtual tools.

The work was initiated through discussions between the artist and myself - so to give you a bit of background here are some words from the artist about the making and conception of Phalaenopsis Momento Mori.


The image Phalaenopsis Momento Mori was created in Adobe Illustrator using a plethora of blends, meshes, transparency masks and brushes layered one on another and contained within clipping masks to create depth, texture and lighting effects. The image was drawn from observation rather than having traced over photograph or using the Livetrace function. Not an efficient method of generating this kind of image, I estimate it took at least 30hrs to produce, the challenge of working within the limitations of Adobe Illustrator makes the result all the more satisfying.


How often have you posed the question, “What if…?”

For me, it’s been a vice, a pleasure and a muse since I was very young. An unrepentant daydreamer, the images I create are a product of attempting to visualise the props of those unlikely “What if?” scenarios, combined with an ongoing exercise in pushing the limits of what can be achieved using purely vector graphics. The limitations of vector art, creates images that seem to hover between photorealism and illustration and gives the subjects an uncanniness that accentuates their eccentricity.

Phalaenopsis Momento Mori by Richard Falle is a printed edition by CFPR Editions at the Centre for Fine Print Research.