Sunday, 24 June 2012

Just Press Print Presented

Find out more information about the Just Press Print exhibition and artworks at CFPR Editions News 

Monday, 4 June 2012

Just Press Print Presents

From the blog Just Press P to the exhibition Just Press Print.

On June 21st - 10 August 2012 I will be curating an exhibition of printed works at the Northern Print Gallery in Newcastle upon Tyne, UK. The exhibition will present a series of digitally derived prints that have been instigated as part of a print publishing practice entitled CFPR Editions. Here the collaborative print editioning model provides a frame work to propagate and explore digital print technologies within contemporary print practices and as a context to consider the employment of emerging digital practices within a broadening graphic orientated discipline.
Artists included in the exhibition: Carolyn Bunt, Arthur Buxton, Paul ColdwellRichard Falle, Brendan Reid, Sebastian Schramm, Roy Voss, Katie Davies and Peter Walters